Do you love what you do, but struggle with the chaos of running a business?

I help women get strategic,

to work less & increase their revenue.

Start with your free small business transformation and growth plan.

Want to grow your small business?

Implement proven systems for communication, operations, productivity, cash flow, and profit growth.

Increase Revenue

Personal & Team Productivity

Your Business on a Mission

Let's be done with the stressful hustle culture

Life is too short to be stuck in your business!

To create a calmer business,

let's start by avoiding these pitfalls...

  • A generic business mission that motivates no one

  • Confusing or not profitable products and services

  • An operations strategy that amounts to organized chaos

  • The constant stress that you will run out of cash

  • Lack of a sales system, and inconsistent sales

  • Using the convenience of working remotely, but never fully turning it off to enjoy your life

Wearing all the hats is no fun.

Stressing about cashflow is the worst.

You deserve better.

It’s time to simplify, strategize, and implement proven frameworks and playbooks,

to reduce stress & increase peace & profits.

With 1000's of distractions daily, you might find yourself being pulled in all directions.

With my proven framework and playbooks for your business,

you'll work smarter, create more free time and

double your profits at any stage of business.

Ready for a calmer and more enjoyable business?

A few places for you to get started...

Free Business


Business Made Simple DIY

Individual VIP


Business Transformation Academy

Get a customized plan that will help you optimize your business so it generates more revenue and profit.

Get a 6-step plan to grow your business through on-demand courses, member
webinars, and action focused workbooks.

The personalized support you need to grow your business, reach your goals, and lead with confidence.

6-month training program designed to give you the tools and support you need to double your revenue, using a proven plan of action

Creating an optimized and calmer business with me,

means growing faster and stronger with less stress.

When you enter my world, you can...

  • Simplify your tech stack

  • Clarify your mission

  • Optimize your products and services

  • Streamline your operations

  • Learn and implement a sales playbook to close more sales

  • Manage your cash flow in a simple and productive way

  • Finally have a CALM and beautiful life

    and business

It's hard enough to build a business,

and not lose your mind in the process

You don't need to do it alone.

There is a better way, a proven path to simplify, grow,

and love your life and business at the same time.

So many business owners are making things up as they go – but you really don’t have to (and shouldn’t!) do that.

The overwhelming list of things to do just seems to get bigger and bigger every day.

You need to get your mission aligned, then be sure your services or products of clear and profitable, then create your winning marketing message, get the word out in email and social media, then have your sales funnel and team all running smoothly, and don't forget about having a productive team and operations plan, and making sure your cash flow is managed so taxes don't sneak up on you!

You got into business because you love what you do, the 'running a professional business' part has become a hot mess.

Schedule a Strategy Session, Take the Business Assessment quiz, and let's start moving into your Calm Business Era.

Absolutely incredible!

After attending Lori's event, I have clarity around issues I haven't been able to figure out on my own in months. I have grand IDEAS and, more importantly, I have ACTION steps to achieve them.

Thank you Lori! Q4 is going to ROCK!

- Amber G

Lori is a powerhouse and definitely knows her stuff!

I attended Lori’s workshop today and it was incredible!

I got SO MUCH value. I’m amazed at how she was able to bring me clarity in my business, provide me with strategies in such a short time AND in a group setting!

- Christine L

Lori KNOWS how to improve your business, and love what you do again!

She brought powerful value to our group and gives so much. Lori helped our entire group create a solid action plan for each of their business, and we had fun doing it! If you have the chance to hear Lori speak or be in her world, do it!

- Marla D

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